Unity 打开项目时崩溃
Unity 打开任何项目都会崩溃,非常奇怪。
- Unity 5.3.8f1
打开项目时 Unity 会弹出提示框,提示缺失文件:
经过检查发现是在安装新版本 Unity 时错误选择旧版本安装目录,安装程序首先会卸载旧版本,发现错误后中止安装。最终的结果是 Editor/Data
目录下除了 Mono
处理方法也很简单,重新安装旧版本 Unity 即可。
再次使用 Unity 打开项目时,Unity 直接崩溃了,弹出了 Crash Reporter
刚开始的时候没什么头绪,尝试了一些方案均无效:尝试使用 Unity 打开其他项目,依然崩溃。
后来仔细查看 UnityEditor.Log
发现是在导入 UnityExtensions
由此联想到另外一个 Unity Bug,必须将 Editor/Data/UnityExtensions
目录剪切到 Unity 安装目录外,打开项目,再剪切回 Unity 安装目录中,打开项目来解决问题:
I may have found a workaround. The idea is to totally remove the UI System from Unity then put it back. Unity should reload its modules.
I wrote a full walktrough but overall it is very simple. It is better than a full reimport.\
- Remove the UI System\
- Close Unity\
- Access on Unity’s installation folder on Explorer or Finder on mac (On mac rightclick on the App and click on ShowPackageContent).\
- Locate the folder named “UnityExtensions/Unity”. (On Mac: “Content/UnityExtensions/Unity”.\
- In this folder you will notice a folder named “GUISystem”\
- Move this folder from the installation folder (you may need administrator rights). Yes, right. Do not just rename it or move it out the “Unity” folder, Unity will find it… I assure you…\
- Have Unity notice the change\
- Open Unity again in the project you had the issue\
- You may have an error “GameObject (named ‘Canvas’) references runtime script in scene file. Fixing!"\
- Close Unity, DO NO SAVE ANY SCENE\
- Restore the UI System\
- Make sure Unity is closed\
- Restore the “GUISystem” to its previous location\
- Open Unity again\
- Unity will compile script\
- You will see the warning “Timestamps (19) and assets (21) maps out of sync.” and the errors “Asset '' is in assets but has no assettimestamp…” just ignore them\
- Everything should be ok again\
此问题发生时会导致整个项目无法编译,因而项目内存在的重新导入 UnityEngine.UI.dll
脚本并未编译导致无法执行;另外,实测即使将重新导入脚本放在 DLL 中规避编译失败问题,重新导入依然无法解决问题。
而且此问题发生极率较低,项目打包几十次能有一次是这个 Bug 导致的失败。
使用 rg --text GUISystem
可以快速搜索 Library/meta
目录下 UI 模块相关的缓存,如果将找到的内容删除是否可以不用使用剪切 UnityExtensions
Unity 在加载扩展这块儿一直都有问题,不知道什么原因导致模块缓存失效,只能把它当黑盒,不断试验。
文章作者 狂飙
初次发布 2019-12-22 22:32:43 +0800
永久链接 https://networm.me/2019/12/22/unity-crash-on-opening-project/